ENTRELAÇADOS is a multimedia work by the Companhia Nova de Teatro about ethnic diversity in São Paulo. The cast is composed of Africans, Turk, Venezuelan, Andean, and other ethnicities. The play takes place in a dystopian, timeless, fragmented world. The scenes move between the biographical and the fictional, exploring the convergences and divergences of different cultures, ritualizations, lapse of time, information bombardment, mental health, and the inability to coexist in a confined place.
Technical sheet
Direction and dramaturgy – Carina Casuscelli. Provocations and light designer – Lenerson Polonini. Cast – Carina Casuscelli, Alex Nasser, Emrah Esatoglu, Fran Castellar, Cesar Chui, Isidro Sanene, Safira Lazúli, Suzana Aziza e Thalita Alves. Costumes – Carina Casuscelli. Soundtrack – Wilson Sukorski. Videos – Téo Ponciano. Sound control - Felipe Moraes. Light control – Verônica Castro. Image control – Téo Ponciano. Photos – @jaozinfotografia. Stage designer and producers – Carina Casuscelli e Lenerson Polonini (Companhia Nova de Teatro).